International Conference on Digital Democracy

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CAS SEE Rijeka Giacomini Gabriele Fellowship program

From May 11 to 13, 2022, the Center for Advanced Studies of South East Europe at the University of Rijeka will host the International conference on Digital Democracy – Summer School 2022, an event dedicated to exploring the dynamics between digital platforms and democracy. The event is organized by Gabriele Giacomini and Marko Luka Zubčić.

Main Themes
The event will focus on the transition of the Internet from a “horizontal” and anarchic environment, where everyone could share ideas without filters, to a “vertical” context dominated by a few platforms like Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple, and Microsoft (GAFAM). These platforms manage and regulate the communications of billions of users, but they have significant design flaws that raise ethical, political, and epistemological questions. The issues addressed include the commodification of data for algorithmic personalization, the polarization of public discourse, the spread of fake news and extremist content, and the challenges of regulating content without compromising legitimate debate. In addition to examining these critical issues, the Summer School will explore innovative solutions such as the design of new civic and party participation platforms, assessing their effectiveness in realizing democratic ideals such as freedom, autonomy, pluralism, and participation.

Keynote Speakers
The event will feature prominent experts such as Paolo Gerbaudo from King’s College London, Walter Quattrociocchi from Sapienza University of Rome, Michele Sorice from LUISS University of Rome, and Mislav Žitko from the University of Zagreb.

The event is coordinated by an academic and organizational board composed of professors and researchers from various European universities, including Mauro Barberis, Petar Bojanić, Sanja Bojanić, Paolo Coppola, Snježana Prijić-Samaržija, Luca Taddio, and Gazela Pudar Draško.

The Digital Democracy Summer School 2022 represents an important opportunity to deepen the challenges and opportunities of digital democracy, aiming to develop innovative solutions for more effective and inclusive civic participation. For more information, please refer to the University of Rijeka website.