The future of democracy: conference for the presentation of DEM2.0 results

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Categories: Dem 2.0


On Thursday, October 3rd, 2024, at 6:00 PM, within the framework of the Master’s in Digital Philosophy and Artificial Intelligence offered by the Universities of Udine, Brescia, and Turin, the conference titled “The Future of Democracy in the Digital Transformation” will take place. The conference is organized for the presentation of the research results from the “Democracy 2.0 Scenarios” project, conducted by the University of Udine as part of the Youth Researchers project funded by the PNRR (National Recovery and Resilience Plan).

This conference represents a significant opportunity to reflect on the challenges and opportunities that the digital era presents to contemporary democracy. The advent of digital technologies and artificial intelligence has profoundly transformed not only the way we communicate but also the mechanisms through which democracy is expressed, necessitating a reconsideration of traditional structures of participation, representation, and governance.

The conference will feature the following speakers:

  • Prof. Gabriele Giacomini (University of Udine), with the presentation “The Future of Democracy is Multidimensional,” will showcase the results of the “Democracy 2.0 Scenarios” research project, suggesting that digital transformation does not have a single impact but rather influences multiple levels of society.
  • Dr. Roberto Paura (Italian Institute for the Future, Naples), will address “Democratic Macrotrends,” which include the growing interdependence between technology and democratic processes, new forms of participation, and the challenges posed by digital interference in political processes.
  • Prof. Cristiano Antonelli (University of Turin) will speak on “The Future of Work and the Role of Innovation.” In a world where artificial intelligence and automation are reshaping the labor market, innovation’s role will not only be to create new opportunities but also to address the challenges of inclusion and social justice.
  • Dr. Giuseppe De Ruvo (San Raffaele University, Milan), will tackle the topic of “The Geopolitics of the Relationship between States and Big Tech,” a highly relevant issue given the growing power that large tech companies wield over both local and global political dynamics.

This conference, curated by Prof. Gabriele Giacomini of the University of Udine, is part of a broader academic and public discourse that aims to understand not only how democracies can survive in the digital context but also how they can evolve and strengthen, seizing the opportunities offered by technological transformation while safeguarding fundamental values such as participation, equality, and transparency.