The DEM2.0 research project has started

As of 15 December 2022, I will be the principal investigator of the research project entitled ‘Democracy 2.0 Scenarios. Towards a new alliance between demos and elites’. This project is being developed within the Department of Humanities and Cultural Heritage at the University of Udine, involving experts on democracy and digital media from all over…

International Conference on Digital Democracy

From May 11 to 13, 2022, the Center for Advanced Studies of South East Europe at the University of Rijeka will host the International conference on Digital Democracy – Summer School 2022, an event dedicated to exploring the dynamics between digital platforms and democracy. The event is organized by Gabriele Giacomini and Marko Luka Zubčić….

Populismo 2.0 con Nadia Urbinati e Mauro Barberis

Giovedì 14 giugno si è tenuto “Populismo 2.0. Una sfida per la democrazia liberale“, seminario del Master in Filosofia del Digitale presso l’Università degli Studi di Udine. Dopo i saluti del Professore Andrea Zannini, Direttore del Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici e del Patrimonio Culturale e del Professore Luca Taddio, Direttore del Master in Filosofia del Digitale, sono…